This is preliminary information. More details and a registration link will be available soon.
SIGDIAL-INLG will take place in OREA Hotel Pyramida, Prague ( The hotel is ca. 20 minutes tram ride away from the city center, within walking distance of the Prague Castle (map:
Special accommodation rates for conference participants (€104-130) will be available upon registration (until 10 August).
Conference Format
The conference will be hybrid, but primarily focused on in-person attendance. In-person presentations are strongly encouraged! If in-person attendance is not possible, remote (live only) presentations will be allowed. The registration costs for paper presenters will be the same, regardless of in-person/online attendance. On the other hand, to maximize potential audience, the conference will offer free online access to non-presenters.
SIGDIAL-INLG associated workshops are free to choose their own format – some of them may be hybrid, but some will be in-person only. Please check the websites of the respective workshops for details.
Apologies for the delay – we are currently in the process of setting up the registration and finalizing the costs. The registration should open later this week.
The expected cost is around €500/€300 (reg/stud) for early main conference registration. The registration will include lunch & coffee breaks, welcome reception on Sep 13 and conference dinner on Sep 14.
In case you need an invitation letter for your visa application, please email Ondrej Dusek.